
Friday, October 12, 2012


Bliss. Complete bliss.

I freaking woke up at 12:54 p.m. That is ridiculous no matter what. I even set an alarm so I could maybe go to breakfast with my Provo friends but I honestly didn't wake up once before 12:54.
But luckily, no school or work at all, so I wasn't late for anything.

And, despite me waking up in the middle of the day, it felt like the longest day ever.
I got ready and met my friends in town where they were shopping. I took them to Urban Renewal, my favorite store, and they loved it. Although I didn't buy one single thing all day, you should be so proud of me! Trust me, I wanted to buy lots of things.

Then they wanted me to entertain because it's "my city" so I took them up on Dixie rock, the classic spot. We took some cool pics. Then we went to Nielsen's to get frozen custard and guess what. That was my very first time in that place ever and I've lived in St. George almost all my life. Yeah. It was pretty good.
So then I drove up to the old airport hill, just expecting to show them the view and stuff. But then the gate to the Fedex place was open and so I drove through to the old runway. I don't know if we were supposed to be back there but we didn't get in trouble. There was an old small plane chained to the ground so we took a bunch of pictures on it.

We then went to Tiki Island Broiler, which used to be called Parrot Head Island Broiler but it was the same food. I hadn't been there since November of 2009 and I forgot how great the food was. I missed it.
I also locked my keys in my car, so my dad had to come save me. Love him, he doesn't even get irritated with me when I do dumb things.

So then my friends all went to a show at Tuachan, so I went home to figure out what my plans were because I was maybe going to get together with McKayle and Emilee, but they had other plans. So Katlyn and I had the twins and Trevor Apple pick us up to take us to Sand Cove. When we got there, a bunch of people were already there with a fire running next to the water. It was nice. Ty and the guys caught a whole bunch of crawdads then boiled them in the fire. I thought they looked so ugly and gross but guess what? I ate one of the tails. Yep. Just tasted like any other fish.

Katlyn and I decided not to stay the night though, because it looked like it was starting to rain, so we went back home with the twins.

Theeen I took a shower so I wouldn't smell like fire anymore, and I was gonna go to bed but then I didn't. I went to Rory's house instead and we watched a scary movie that we both saw like 7 years ago but could only slightly remember. Then he turned on his on the tv and we listened to the best music in the world. After that we went for a 5 minute drive and then I went home.

Urban Renewal, favorite store! I really want the chair I'm sitting on. And the huge picture behind me.
On Dixie rock. 

Up on old airport hill! 
Best first-attempt jump picture in my entire life. 

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