
Thursday, October 11, 2012


Fall break, so no school, so basically best day.
But I still had to work. Whyyy didn't I start my blog while I was at work. I can't remember what I did before work. Geeze.
Well after work was absolutely amazing so it's okay.
I admit it, last night was pretty miserable. I just didn't feel well. Allergies. And at work today, my eyes were watering so bad it looked like I was crying.
I was on my break, and Austin had texted me a couple times asking if he could come over for a second and then after that said he left something on my porch for me. I was so excited to get home to see what it was. I mean, he drives a bullet bike, and it was a rainy day, and he lives in Washington. Which means he drove like 20 minutes in the cold just to bring me something. Sweetheart.
So I got home and found a big thing of orange juice in my fridge. My roommate had found it with a note saying "For Ashlee" so she put it in there for me. Austin knew I was not feeling well so he brought me orange juice! I started drinking it right out of the bottle and no joke, I haven't felt stuffy or sneezy or watery or sick at all since. Magic juice.
I was in such a good mood I went right to where Austin works to say hi and thank him. He is just the sweetest.
Then I went home to wait for Rebecca and Amanda to come over! They're my roommates from Provo. They also came with Maddy, their new roommate. We were all hanging out when Ty and Monks randomly showed up to visit for literally 5 minutes. They came just in time to kill a gigantic spider, though. Then I invited Austin over when he got off work to come meet my friends, so he came.
After the girls left, Austin and I decided to take a spontaneous trip to his family's farm in Pinto. It was rainy and he wasn't sure if he had the right keys, and when we got there, he definitely didn't. So we took a different way home and drove in the pouring rain. The lightning was so cool the whole night, making the sky lit up in different shades of purple. At one point, it was so bright it blinded me for a second. I could've sworn it was right in front of the car.
It started raining super hard and I joked about pulling over and running around in it. "Why not?" says Austin. So we pull over, get out, and start running around in the middle of Highway 59, in the pouring rain, in complete darkness. I had someone to dance with me in the rain!
Let's just say it was a perfect moment.

More pictures later.
Doodled again for Chris at work. I know the tiger on the right is scary. I'm not an artist okay. 
Austin doesn't like pictures.
If you're cool, you will have your picture taken in these chairs. Except Sarah. I forgot to take her picture but she's still cool. Sowwy Sarah.

Mother of all spiders.

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