
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Two delicious dinners.

Woke up at 8:00 a.m. to the sound of thunder and rain. Enjoyed it for a few minutes and fell back asleep. Woke up at 10:00. Fell back asleep. Woke up right before noon: perfect. I mean, this is probably not the best thing to admit, but I didn't want to be awake very long before church with nothing to do on a fast Sunday. Don't tell me that you aren't the hungriest when you know you shouldn't eat!

So at church today I was thinking about how that one guy in my ward hadn't texted me for a couple weeks, and hadn't really said hi to me more than once or twice. I told Melinda I was just going to go ahead and ask him out myself. Then today after church, he said hi to me and we talked for like seconds and I accidentally did the super girly smiley thing where I just can't get the grin off my face. Stupid.

Anyway, I was driving to my parent's house after church when he called me. Eek! I hope the call actually did end before I squealed. He asked me out! Sort of... he wants to do something Tuesday. I'll take it :)

So at my parent's we had these yummy potatoes, breaded chicken, salad, cornbread muffins, and then chocolate cake with the same frosting you put on German chocolate cake. Sooo goooood. I hung around for a few hours, just enjoying my family.

Then when I got home, Alex was making a bunch of food for Melinda and there was lots so he made me eat too. By then it had been four hours since my first dinner so I thought, why not? A different delicious chicken, rice, and more salad. Yum.

We chilled and started watching some old So You Think You Can Dance episodes, then we put in the first Twilight. More than halfway through the movie, I left to go hang out with the boy next door for a few minutes. I came back and they had put in the second one. I left again for a second to play a song for the boy on his front porch. So backwards but I love it. We are good friends.

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