
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nightmare throwin' off my groove.

I woke up at 7:30 so I could get to Alex's house by 8:00 so we could all go to Vernon Worthern and get free breakfast with his mom. And I am still not sure if it was worth it since I went to bed so late but it probably was.

I went home and decided I deserved a nap. So I was falling in and out of sleep, but I was dreaming and so that means I was in deep sleep, right? Yes? No? I don't know anything. Well, I do know that I had a terrible nightmare. In it, everything was jumbled and confusing, and I started realizing I had no idea where I was or how I got there or what I was doing or what I had been doing all day and I just was soo confused. And I couldn't stop hyperventilating. And so I was looking at my phone to read texts to figure out what I had been doing but I just had a text from Carissa saying "He called you hundreds of times!" meaning, you-know-who. And so I went to his house and knocked on the door and it was late at night and then my roommates showed up, but I was just huddled against the wall sobbing and I was seriously freaking out. I know it sounds like a silly nightmare, but the way it made me feel was absolutely terrible. I woke up feeling like I couldn't breathe. Gaaaah so much for morning naps.

So, that nightmare has had me feeling weird most of the day.

But I met Darren at Cafe Rio for lunch, cause he's moving soon. Then I went to the school to practice the piano and I swear that building is haunted. This time I went, there were no lights on except security lights, and no one was around. When I went into one of the practice rooms, I could hear a weird squeaking sound that occasionally sounded like it was an old instrument playing squeaky notes. But I could only hear it when I was in that room. Haunted.

I am an idiot. I went home after that and took another short nap before work. But I didn't have dreams so it's okay. And now I'm at work. I'm going to pie night after this with a new Sam, who invited me to join he and his friends. Pie!

This is a couple weeks old but it's the funniest snap chat I've ever received. Hahaha. Well... maybe. 

This morning while I was going in and out of sleep, I was answering texts but I was so out of it. I was trying to tell Alex Lambson, in my sleepy state, that I would be in Orem this weeked. 
Look at my sexy parents! 

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