
Sunday, July 14, 2013

The best parts about being human.

I'm usually hesitant to share stories like this for the sake of sounding cheesy but here goes. Today at work I was getting pretty sad thinking about people leaving the church. Within seconds of me getting a little teary-eyed, I heard one of my coworkers in her cubicle somewhere near me as she was captioning a call. In her necessarily monotone voice she repeated the words of the person on the phone: "It's not your responsibility to convert people. That is the job of the Spirit." And it was perfectly timed. And I knew I was supposed to hear it. That's all I will say about that because I could probably go on for pages.

Anyway, the rest of my night was absolutely amazing. I don't know if I mentioned this, but the guy I saw a couple times this week and I made plans to see each other tonight. As always, I was dreading the moment of truth when he would either call/text me as expected, or blow me off (which seems to be more common among guys these days). Well, he called me when he got off work. And he long boarded around the corner to my house.

And we walked to Harmon's and got Sobe's. And on the way back we stopped in the park and sat on the playground and he got an idea that we should go climb a water tower.

So we went to my apartment, I changed my shoes, and I grabbed a blanket. Then we drove into Winchester and parked at the end of a dirt hill. A seemingly infinite dirt hill.

When we got to the water tower, we climbed up the ladder to the top. We stood at the edge for a minute (by a railing, don't worry) and felt the cool breeze and looked at the few lights below. Then we spread out the blanket and laid under the stars.

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