
Sunday, July 21, 2013

The best day of my life.

Don't let my title fool you. Although I did say at least once today that it was the best day of my life, I didn't mean it as though it was literally the best day I've ever had. I meant more like... I was so happy and in the moment and just living TODAY that I felt so good.

Let me start with last night.

Alex asked if I wanted to go on an adventure with him when I got off work. So, I got home, and he was waiting at our apartment. I quickly changed and then we left. We went 14 miles away, to Red Cliffs.

It was amazing.

Alex had head lamps for both of us, and we started out on our night hike. The air was humid from the river and from rain earlier that day. It was cool and smelled wonderful. We hiked through the dark on the trail along the river. We walked through the muddy water, and took off our shoes. I can't remember the last time I was there but I had memories of the hard places to climb, and it was thrilling at night.

Our destination was the top of a cliff. We laid up there on the rock for a long time, in another deep conversation about life and learning and love and the reason I am writing this is to hopefully remember even a glimpse of what we talked about. Alex kept telling me I need to learn to be content. To be just so happy with myself and with life, and then everything will just... happen. And be okay. And I've been told this and learned this so many times, but the way he worded it, and just being there in that moment, it hit me like nothing has ever hit me before.

He told me that if I can view people in a certain way, that every person is there to teach me something, that I will be able to handle anything that comes my way. That I don't need to worry about whether some guy is the one. And from Alex I have learned how to NOT hand my heart over so quickly. And how to just be friends and get to know people and to just live.

Now for today. Today I called you-know-who because I had come home last night to a missed call, voice mail, and text from him. He didn't answer but called me back soon after and invited me to come over for breakfast. So, I walked to his house and he made me some french toast. It was silly cause I had just gotten out of bed and I was in my comfy pants with my hair up and no makeup, and he was all spiffy in his church clothes. Dang he looked good.

I went home to get ready for church and then when I got to church I was just in such a great mood. When Sacrament meeting was over, I walked up to him and asked him when we were going to hang out this week, and we made plans, and he introduced me to an investigator girl from Mexico. Then we all sat together in Sunday school. And I sat by her in Relief Society.

And after church I went to my parent's house for delicious dinner, and to spend time with the people who are the world to me.

I went home soon after. You-know-who had told me earlier that I could come to his house anytime, but I texted him and invited him to come hang out with Melinda, Alex, and I. He came, and I gave him my last CD, and then we started "Crazy Stupid Love" but he had to go soon after to go visit a sick girl in our ward.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek on my door step, and he gave me one, and it was sweet.

Melinda, Alex, and I finished the movie, then we just hung out forever, tickling each other's backs and laughing at bad lip reading videos on YouTube and just having so much fun.

Alex left, then Melinda and I went to Wal-mart so I could buy some blueberry lemonade. Mmmm.

And now I'm in bed, and I think I am happier than I've ever been. Not in a super ecstatic way, like I'm looking forward to something exciting, or not like something super amazing just happened. But yeah, kind of like that, but in a more subtle way. Because I am just so content.

And I have learned that true happiness is faith.

Oh, and last night Alex showed me this band that I don't think I'd heard of before. Here is one of their beautiful songs.

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