
Sunday, September 30, 2012


Suuunday is the best day.
I didn't have any meetings today so I didn't have to go to church til one. Yess. I probably say this a lot but I always mean it: church was soooo awesome today! Seriously, best meetings. The speakers were all great. Adam Hansen played a piano solo in Sacrament meeting, "Oh How Lovely Was The Morning", the version arranged by Marshall McDonald. And it was so beautiful. Man, that McDonald guy is a wonderful arranger, and Adam is a wonderful pianist. I'm convinced Adam will be playing the piano in Heaven. Just like Sigur Ros will be a big part of the music in Heaven. I just know. And Adam also gave the Sunday School lesson which was about knowing our identity and stuff. The best was third hour, when we had a combined meeting and were taught by an Institute teacher, Bro. King. It was one of the best meetings I've had in a long time. I didn't want church to end!
I went home with Katlyn and ate some mac and cheese and stuff, then I had to go back to the Institute building for a meeting. I was excited cause there were lots of cool people there, but not ten minutes into it I got calls and texts from Des and my mom saying they'd broken down on the highway. My parents were on their way to Vegas to take Des and Gabby to the Justin Bieber concert, and I guess the engine just overheated and gave out a little past Mesquite on I-15. So I left the meeting and went to rescue them. Ben drove his car, and I followed him in my car so we could drop off his car for my family and then the two of us would drive back to St. George in my car. We took the old highway, which I've never done. I mean I've driven on it, but not all the way to I-15. It was so beautiful and just... I don't know. Something about driving there, that time of day, listening to Portugal. The Man... it was just complete bliss.
So that all went fine.
I got home in time to go to ward prayer with my friends. Which was also a blast cause I just absolutely love everyone in my ward. Me and I think 6 other girls stayed after everyone else left to listen to how Bro. and Sis. Racker met and got engaged, and to listen to some of their other stories. I love hearing the love stories of old people. They seem so much more genuine and cute and romantic than the way people meet and date nowadays. Those boys used to have to work for their women and they were so willing to treat her so special! It's hard to find guys like that these days.
Ty came to our house right after we got home to check out the place. He fixed our front door! It used to not shut all the way so we always had to use the dead bolt to lock it, but now it's perfect! Oh and the other day, Tyson Tanner fixed our ceiling fan. Guys like that are great and I'm so glad we have some as friends.

So Kelsey more often than not sends me pictures of her at church and it makes me miss the times we used to go to church together.
 Me and Katlyn all ready for church!
I just wanted to point out that I have attractive friends. 
This is on my way to go rescue my family. What a beautiful place I live in. 
Frayends at ward prayer! 
Just chillin on the side of the highway. 

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