
Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I know myself way too well. I'm trying to make that purely a good thing.
I'm too much of a people pleaser. That can be good because I'm great at adapting to different peoples' personalities and making friends with any type of person. It's bad, however, because sometimes I alter myself to fit what they want in a friend and I don't even realize it. It causes an illusion.
So I've been slowly learning how to stand up for myself. Not stand up for my beliefs per se, but stand up for my unique character and personality traits. I'm getting better at voicing my inner thoughts. At least I think so.
Wow we all have so much growing up to do.

And just for a second I have something to vent about. And it's going to be slightly hypocritical because I'm going to be generalizing as I criticize those who criticize by generalizing.. haha just stay with me here.
So sometimes I notice the way that non-LDS people talk about LDS people. Or people of any faith at all, for that matter. Some of them seem to assume that anyone who has beliefs that they've been raised in since birth is completely close-minded or even "brainwashed." For example, because I was born into an LDS family, I am completely missing out on what it's like to not be LDS. That may be true to some extent, but I don't think some people realize that EVERYONE does have the ability to question and doubt things. Just because I'm not telling the world every single time I have a doubt, doesn't mean I don't have them. Trust me, I have thought about what I believe and why I believe it and how "crazy" it is and how it doesn't fit in with a lot of modern ways of thinking. I have grown up enough to imagine the way I'd think of my beliefs looking from the outside, at least as best I can of course.I hope I'm not losing you here. Just.. YES I DO realize all of the reasons that anyone thinks I shouldn't believe what I believe. Yes I am exposed to similar media and ideas and opinions that anyone else is. No I am not completely in this little box. There's this new thing called the internet, people, and I'm not saying I know everything, but obviously nobody does.
I am not really sure what my point is here. Just something to think about I guess? To the nonbelievers: ever think that maybe, just maybe, I kinda get where you're coming from but my opinion or point of view is just as valid as yours?
That's another thing that bothers me. Those people that go on and on about how people force their religion "down peoples' throats" and then the next minute they're saying things against religion. Like, giving reasons why we shouldn't believe. Okay. Isn't that forcing your beliefs on other people? If you want us "religious people" to leave you alone, why do you have the right to voice your opinion on the higher power? I really wish I could explain this better because it's just oh-so frustrating. The people that want us all to get along and accept each other's differences, yet they are still so sure they are the way we should all be. K sorry. That was more than a second.


The above was written several hours ago. It is now nearing midnight. Life never gets easier.

With every sunset comes a new sunrise. 

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