
Monday, September 10, 2012


What happened? Where are we?

This Monday morning actually wasn't so bad. I woke up with enough time to make myself some scrambled eggs, curl my hair, and actually look nice. I got to class on time too! I then practiced the piano and then went to choir. Right after choir started, an old friend I hadn't seen in probably 3-4 years came by to say hi for a second. That was nice.
After choir I came home and played with my nephews and relaxed and ate a cheese quesadilla. Then I went to work and was on Pinterest in between calls as usual. I also found lots of different clothing websites and added things to my virtual shopping carts. So now I have all these accounts but I'm not going to buy anything... it's depressing.
Actually I'm going to buy ONE thing tonight. I have to. It'll be so exciting to get a package in the mail! That reminds me... I need to write some letters. Also I forgot Chad's birthday. Whoops.
So that's my day... plus coming home and eating leftover dinner like usual. I love it actually. And my mom made butterscotch delight, one of my favorite desserts. Yum.

I'm quoting something my friend Matt Abernathy just said to me on Facebook chat. We're talking about guitars and music obviously:
"It's your guitar. Your fingers. Your passion. Your special place. Your heart. Your life. Your love. All right there on the fret board. Pretty cool, huh?"

What would I be without my music and my abilities?

Did I already post this?
This is one of the pieces I'm memorizing right now.
Connor wanted to be in a picture with me this morning :)

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