
Monday, September 3, 2012


So... according to Blogger, I got over 100 page views yesterday, and that makes me really nervous because I pretty much regret yesterday's second post. I believe it came across to most people as a huge burst of insecurity and a plea for pity. Yes, parts of it seemed like that, but I apologize. I was only intending to express my frustrations with not being able to express my style, really. But it was a small moment of feeling down and I got over it pretty quickly.
Especially since I got a couple way nice responses to it, people trying to make me feel better. Which makes me feel kinda dumb for posting about it in the first place, but nevertheless it was nice to get some confidence boosters. Like, this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever written to me. It's pretty long so you can skip over it, I'm just putting it here pretty much for myself. Just like this blog is pretty much for myself. And my mom.

"A pretty long time ago I was in a psychology class at byu. I was sitting in the back, minding my own business and talking to a guy I had met a week or two before. Suddenly, in the middle of our conversation, this guy makes a comment and gestures toward the door. I looked up to see one of the most striking girls I had ever seen. She was bright, bubbly, full of life, confident and absolutely beautiful of course. She sat down in front of me and as I was introduced to her I quickly discovered that there was more to her than how she looked. This girl was smart, funny, and had some really fantastic personality quirks like loving music and doodling all over her shoes. I even discovered she had a beautiful singing voice because she let me listen to one of her songs. So I got to know this girl. She was already smitten by some other dude so my heart broke a little bit, but talking with her online and in class let me get to know her in such a way that really made me appreciate her unique style and her outlook on life. Now I know you've picked up that I'm talking about you, but I'm trying to paint you a picture of how I see you when I think about you. You're unique, you have an awesome personality and you look good in everything you wear, even if you don't look like every single other girl that tries to be stylish. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you ARE all of those things you want to be. A poser tries to be something that they don't have confidence in because they think it will bring them happiness or respect. Ash, I know you're not a poser because you are your own person. Have a little confidence in yourself because you really are a one in a million type of girl. Everyone that knows you thinks you're fantastic. The girls envy you for being as awesome as you are and the guys all wish they were the lucky one that got to be close to you. So cheer up. You really are someone special and you shouldn't doubt that at all. P.S. I still have that song on my ipod because I love the sound of your voice."

Anyway... now that that's over with. I forgot to mention the best thing last night. My sweet little sister Tasha came up to me while I was getting ready to go out, holding two bowls with brownies and ice cream inside. One for me, one for her. It was just the sweetest thing and I was kind of sad that I was just about to leave. But, when I came back we did spend the rest of the night watching funny videos together and playing Slender. I love love love my mini me.

And today. Labor Day but my job requires working on holidays, so I worked. But I got paid time and a half so that's good right? And um I parted my hair in the middle today and wore heels and I felt pretty good about it. Except my foot hurts... I really need to get my surgery.
Oh and after work, and coming home and talking to my mom and Kirsten, I went to Jordan Harris's house for games and stuff with some friends. It was fun.

Today's outfit. And I guess um shirt #15.
Middle part! 

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