
Monday, September 17, 2012


Ever since I "hid" updates from a few particular people on Facebook, and also unfollowed some people on Instagram, my happiness level has gone up quite significantly. It's weird how seeing other people's lives can make you unhappy. Usually after high school, you rarely see most of the people you knew. This is still true to an extent, but it's complicated because even the people you don't see in person, you see on Facebook. So you have the overwhelming responsibility of keeping up with people's lives who you don't even see regularly. For me anyway, it sucks seeing what fun things go on that I'm not involved in. But if Facebook didn't exist, I probably wouldn't think twice about 90% of the people I see on there. I would probably be so content with my own little world. And you think, well why don't you just delete your Facebook, Ashlee? Well I can't! I can't cause I know that everyone else still has one. Plus, I have too many pictures saved on there and no where else. Plus it is a good way to talk to the people I actually care about. Plus there is no way I would ever remember any events if it weren't for Facebook.. and sometimes the only invite you get to something is on there.

So anyway. Rant.

But today started out fine. I dressed up in a skirt and heels and curled my hair. It's always great to spend extra time looking good on Mondays to make them more bearable. It works for me, anyway.
I can't stop shopping online for clothes. Good thing I don't buy more than 0.5% of the things I add to my virtual shopping carts. I would be in the hole probably $10,000. Or something.

Anyway, as soon as I went on my break during work, my day got amazing. I'm not going to write about every single thing on here, but just know I'm giddy. So excited. And when I got off work Ty called me and invited me to Derrick's to watch a movie. Then I invited Katlyn so she came too. There were about 12 people there I think? We watched How to Train Your Dragon. Afterwards I had Blair give me a quick ride in his new car. It was a good night and I was just giggling so much. Ah. Life, you're so funny.

These are the two necklaces I actually did purchase online a few days ago. I hope they're as cute in person. Ah!
Victorian Retro Dazzle colour balloon necklace chain LP071
On sale-Steampunk Silver Hollow Six leaf  Compass Pocket Watch Necklace Chain D053
What I wore today.
Sarah, if you're reading this... Well I was driving behind a car with a North Carolina license plate so of course I thought of you. This was the best pic I got, and you can't even see the license plate... oh well.

Ty just being surrounded by a bunch of girls.

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