
Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I went to work an hour early today so I could cover for Allyson and so that Keith could pick me up to take me to a business luncheon at noon. That was cool cause I got free food, including some super fluffy cheesecake for dessert.
After work I visited my mom at Deseret Book and then went home. Tasha and I then went to Walmart to buy our dad a birthday present for tomorrow! We always do that stuff last minute.
Then Sam came over and listened to me while I just talked. I was in the middle of a story when I looked out my window and saw Kelsey and Tyler just getting to my house and I screamed and ran outside and hugged Kelsey so tight. It's always so so good to see her and I love her so much. Seriously no one in this world will ever get me like she does. I know if there was some sort of game show where you had to know everything about your best friend, she and I would win.
So then the four of us all went out to Outback Steakhouse. I will always order the same thing there now because it was so delicious. I have only been there 3-4 times in my whole life though, so...
After that we went to Rue 21 and bought some stupid things. I'll show you this stupid shirt I bought tomorrow. Sam picked it out and it's so funny but not but it is. I'll also upload some pics that Kirsten took of all of us.
We also went to Cold Stone for ice cream before going back to my house.
So remember a week or so ago when a car followed me all the way home? Well this time, as we were leaving Cold Stone and got onto the boulevard, a cop car was exiting the freeway. That cop followed me all the freaking way home and we were getting so weirded out, especially me, because apparently this is becoming a normal thing in my life. So he parked on the side of the road a couple houses down from mine across the street. We got out of my car and watched the car just so confused, and two cops got out and walked up to that house's front door. We went inside and told my family the story and my dad said it's because there were drugs there or something.
So we all spent a little time outside on the porch watching the cops shine their flashlights and listening to them knock on the door yelling "St. George City Police. We know you're in there! Open the door!" Just like the movies and stuff.
My family went inside, then Kelsey and Tyler left, so it was just Sam and I. We came inside too and watched YouTube prank videos together and just enjoyed the stillness of night.
The best thing about Sam is that he's never, ever in a rush to leave me. Even when other people are waiting for him.

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