
Thursday, April 5, 2012


  • People I saw: Grandma Irene, Michael Barker, Chase Cee.
  • Things I did: Okay today was such an amazing day just like I hoped it would be. First I went to work and had a great ole time. Then I went to choir and everyone was just so nice to me today! A girl even said, "You are just so cute, I want to put you in a bubble and stick you in my pocket!" haha or something like that. It was really sweet. After choir I had my piano lesson, and I finally managed to prove to my teacher that I can memorize a song. So she said I get to perform in my class this Friday and I'm super excited! After I left, I got really stoked cause I had that feeling you get when you know you have the rest of the day to yourself. First I stopped at that pita place over by Pineview, don't remember what it's called but the fiery chicken thingy I got was delicious. Then I got a Sobe from the Harts gas station and headed for Cedar City! I went to the Kolob care center, where my grandma is for a few days. She was sleeping when I got there so I woke her up and surprised her. She didn't know I was coming! So then we walked down to their room that has a piano and she sat while I played the songs I've recently memorized ( by Bach, Haydn, and Chopin). It was so great to see my grandma and brighten up her day. After that I went to LearnKey where Michael works and visited him! I hadn't seen him in a hundred years so it was good to talk and catch up. I then headed over to Chase Place (the name I made up today for Chase's apartment) and spent hours there recording and jamming and fixing my song. It was so fun and I'm very pleased with the outcome. As soon as he's done tweaking it and adding the finishing touches, I'll put a link to it on here! So then I came home and ate some leftover pizza and now I'm here in my favorite place, my bed.
  • Something I learned: You don't need other people to make you happy. You need to do things for other people and then you and they will both be happy.
  • Something I appreciated: A guy who knows what he's doing when it comes to recording.
  • Song you should listen to:

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