
Monday, April 2, 2012


  • People I saw: Family, people at school, ya know.
  • Things I did: I went to work and then went to choir. After choir I visited my dad at his work, then my mom at her work. Then I went to Smith's and bought three fried chicken legs because I was craving that stuff like crazy. I went home and ate them in like 30 seconds. I then went to a church building and practiced piano for about an hour and a half. Then I came home and I've been writing my paper on and off in between eating dinner, dessert, and playing a game with my family. Oh by the way, I finished the last episode of How I Met Your Mother that is available on Netflix. That's six seasons. There's a 7th season but it's not on Netflix. And now I don't know what to do with my life.
  • Something I learned: The word "stoke" is a verb that means to feed or fuel a fire.
  • Something I appreciated: Smith's. Smith's is seriously awesome.
  • Song you should listen to:

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