
Saturday, August 18, 2012


I love waking up to texts like this: "Good morning Ashlee :) have a wonderful day today!"
He says the best things.

I woke up early and went to Desi's hair school so she could color and style my hair. I dye my hair dark all the time, and usually add a little red in it to add warmth. This time I dyed it one shade above black with no red or anything in it. It's sad though, my hair fades fast. We'll see how long it holds this time. She curled it and got a friend to braid it too. I wanted to have it cute for pictures :)
During the day I did random stuff like finishing going through my clothes, trimming bushes in my front yard, holding Parker for a minute, and I went to the DI with Laney to buy shirts for the party.
I asked Kirsten earlier this week if she'd take my pictures today so I could have some with my new guitar. So we had a fun little photo shoot and got some pretty good ones I think. I love my new guitar. And my new hair. She's the best older sister ever!
By the way I hate going to the grocery store for my family. Not because I don't love doing things for my family, but because I always mess something up. Today at Smith's I got chunky salsa instead of restaurant style.. :(
So the dance party was back-to-school themed, and we were told to either dress as nerds or jocks or something. That's why Laney, Kori, and I got matching jerseys from the DI. Yay. We got there around 10:45 and not much later some cops showed up. I think it's just because it was loud. So we turned down the music and the party kept going. We didn't stay too long though because it was really hot.
We went back to Laney's and Kori's place to chill for a sec before I went home. I'm going to be moving in with them this week. I'll post pictures of it when I move in, cause it's a way nice place!

My hair before!
 During. With Des. And some of my hair sticking straight up.
 Laney, Kori and I at the party.
 Ezra and I. He's the guy who invites everyone to everything. This is a bad, red picture. Oh well.
Here's two of the photos from tonight that Kirsten uploaded to Facebook. I'll post more tomorrow or something.
 Love this willow tree!
 Oh and I just want you to know that sometimes my friends (Mic) say things that I think are really funny, and so I take a screen shot. But obviously I hardly ever remember to post them. So here are some from yesterday.

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