
Friday, August 3, 2012


I know I'm crazy, okay.

This morning I went to Kelsey's grandpa's funeral. I am not sure if I ever met him, but Kelsey asked me to go and so of course I went. It was really good to see her and Tyler and her family.
I went to work after. My parents brought me a drink from Sonic's happy hour.
I went to the mall for a bit. Also Gen X and Panda Express. Yeah, I'm just one of those people who goes into town a lot by myself. I like it. I don't really like shopping with people unless it's my mom.
I went to Sam's. Yeah I know. We hung out a bit before my mom called and said to go outside and look at the lightning. We walked outside barefoot, realized the cement was super warm, and decided to just lay down on the sidewalk. I love summer. So while we're laying there, we look over at the mountain and decide we want to hike to the top.
That mountain is a lot bigger and steeper than it looks. It took forever to get to the top, and longer to get down. But here's the thing. I've climbed to the top of the "D" hill, and it's cool cause you can see the Santa Clara area on one side and then Main Street on the other side. But from the mountain tonight, we could see all that plus Bloomington and more. I've never seen that much of St. George all at once and it was the coolest view. On the way back down we invented a new sport, which I'll have to show you later.
Sam has wanted to go ice blocking for a while. So we started going around to gas stations looking for ice blocks. Imagine us going all over town and saying "We just want some ice" but in the Sid the Sloth voice. Hahaha. We never found any. So we went back to Sam's and just hung out.


 You know this is cute.

 If this picture is real, I must go here.
 Oh by the way. I think I must be doing something wrong or something? Cause these are two different texts I got today from different people. I'm the white bubble. I don't understand what I did wrong.. haha.

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