
Monday, August 20, 2012


More like, day 5 without Sam. It's okay, his trip is more than halfway over.
My first class wasn't til 11:00 which was super nice. And, I only had two today. I went to my first day of training at my new job for five hours, and that wasn't so bad.
I came home and my family was putting together 72-hour kits, you know, for emergencies and stuff. So I feel all sorts of safe and prepared now.
Spent the rest of the evening talking with my family and eating cookies and stuff. Then Sam called me and we talked for about an hour. He told me that today while he was on the tower - 400 feet in the air - it started getting stormy with lightning and stuff. That scared me because what if he was on that huge tower and it got struck by lightning! They climbed down til it stopped though, and obviously he's okay.
So now I'm in bed and stuff.
The other day Sam was commenting on how I have sooo many clothes, especially shirts. So he told me I should wear a different shirt every day until I've worn all my shirts and see how long I can go. So, today is day one. I am going to try from now on to take a good pic of the shirt I wore so I can remember which ones I've worn, but I only took one picture today.

Shirt 1.

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