
Sunday, August 26, 2012


Good day after good day after good day.
I just got a calling in my ward as music chair, and so I went to the ward council meeting at 11 a.m. For a minute I was upset that I had to go to church "so early", because my actual church doesn't start til 1 p.m... then I realized I was being ridiculous. So anyway.
I played the piano for the choir during church and then... I gave a talk! I hadn't spoken in church since I moved into this ward and I'm really glad I got to. I thought about it all week long and felt like I really had some things to say. Afterward, I got lots of compliments from people saying I did a really good job, that I'm a good speaker, that it was what they needed to hear, etc. And I felt like it was all very sincere, so that made me feel good. And Sam came to listen, of course, and stayed all three hours.
After, he was going to go home to change and stuff, and I was going to go home too. But when I got home he was there! He just wanted to see me again before going home. Even though he was going to come over in just an hour or so to pick me up and take me to his parents' house.
So I ate dinner then went to Sam's parents' house, along with his brothers and their wives. His family really is great. When we left, we stopped at one of his brother's houses to look at all the remodeling and stuff they did, which was pretty cool.
We came to my house together and just spent some time together before ending the night.

And I realize this picture is... not attractive in the least. But it's the only one I took... so. Shirt #7? It's a cardigan actually but oh well.
 We found the RV from Breaking Bad.
 We're cute. Sam drew the jeep and the long board and the guitar. Isn't he so talented?! Haha.

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