
Saturday, November 10, 2012


Today I mozied around the house and stuff until it was time to go to work basically. Yay my first time working in over a week! It was nice. People were nice to me.
I came home to eat, then went to my house to meet my roommates and Christina. Then Laney and April came over and we all went to a party. Katlyn has these older friends from northern Utah who come down this time very year and throw a dance party in this big house then stay the night. They do other stuff too like hike the Subway in Zion I think but I don't know if they did that this year or not. Anyway, we all went to that party together and I pretty much sat on the couch the whole time because I can't do much with a boot on my foot, and also the doctor told me to take it easy. Carissa sat next to me the whole time because she doesn't like to dance. It was nice having her there, but at the same time it made it so no one new could really come talk to me. Oh well. It's okay because I met a nice guy named Todd and he was flirty with me all night, and I was flirty back. Before I left he gave me a hug and asked my last name and how to spell it. That means he's going to look me up on Facebook, right?

My dad put up our Christmas lights super early because he's getting knee surgery Monday and won't be able to do it after that. Love him.
Oreo. Haha. 

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