
Saturday, November 17, 2012

A not so quick word.

I have no idea how other people do it. The whole school and working and church thing. I must be doing something wrong here.
This semester I have only had 8 credits. Yeah, cause piano lessons plus choir plus music theory plus ear training and sight singing plus piano pedagogy plus concert attendance somehow only equals 8 credits. And, I'm accompanying Celeste. That's only one hour a week that she has a lesson but that means extra time to practice because I have to learn her literature. Next semester I will have the exact same schedule only I'm going to add in Spanish because I still need to finish those credits and also take beginning guitar (I know, I know) because I need more music electives.. I think. I don't know. I need to talk to my advisor.

Anyway, Celeste's voice teacher wants me to take on more students to accompany and I'm thinking.. no way. I hardly have enough time right now to practice my own pieces. I'm supposed to practice two hours a day and next semester that'll go up to three hours. Maybe because my classes don't start til ten or eleven I am missing out on a good chunk of the day. Spanish will be at 8 in the morning. Yes, I'm torturing myself, but maybe this will be good. Because then I'll already be at the school at 9 and I'll be able to practice and stuff. Ugh I don't know. I'm going to say no to accompanying more students. And I'm really going to discipline myself to go to bed early (haha, we've all heard that before). But really am I ever going to be done with school?!

Oh my gosh and then to balance in work and then getting time off is hard and then finding time to work on my calling and then finding time to work on my individual songwriting. I honestly don't know how people have time to excel in school, have a job (mine is only 20 hours a week!), have a social life, and add in all these other little things that they do. Sheesh. And how come no matter how much I get paid per hour I'm still always poor.. haha. I've stopped spending money on clothes but now it's all going to the productin of my music. Which isn't a bad thing.

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