
Friday, May 18, 2012


Who even reads my blog regularly, other than my mom, Sarah, Mike, and David? Cause according to Blogger, a bunch of my page hits come from these random websites, and it doesn't make any sense to me. Anyway.
  • People I saw: Keith, Allyson, the crew, my neighbors.
  • Things I did: Ah another good day. I woke up early and went to the high school with my mom and Connor to watch Tasha sing the national anthem for the middle school talent show. She was amazing, and I'm so proud! Mom and I went home to get Kirsten and Parker and we all went to Sonic to get drinks, Costco for groceries, then the DI to shop for fun. I ended up with 3 pairs of shoes and a clock for my collection. It's so cute I love it! I love clocks!
    Before heading to work, I got a sandwich at the Cornerstone Bakery in the mall. And no offense to anyone but... the old guy in there is super weird and I was just uncomfortable. Sandwich was good and healthy though. Work was average. I went through the Wendy's drive thru before taking the crew their checks, and all I ordered was a frosty and value fries, but somehow ended up with 4 chicken sandwiches instead. I only realized it 2 seconds after I'd pulled away, but the truck behind me had already taken my spot so I went around through the line again to get my food and they let me keep the sandwiches! When I got to the yard to drop off the checks I let the guys have the extra food :) What a nice mistake that turned out to be!
    The rest of the day consisted of me starting a new TV series (Once Upon a Time, cause my older sister and her husband love it), taking a short nap, eating a pizza and a cupcake, then working out. CrossFit day number two! It was harder today cause we actually did the full workout, but I feel great now. Nice and sore.
  • Something I learned: Everyone says this, but seriously working out/exercising is the best thing ever. I felt blah earlier today with a headache and stuff, but because I worked out so hard, I feel like I accomplished something today and I have more energy. If you're ever feeling lazy or depressed or anything negative at all, work out. Seriously.
  • Something I appreciated: Hot tubs. Mostly because I wish we still had one and we don't.
  • Just a little something from a great book: "We must not let attractions of the moment bring disaster for the eternities." This applies to everything.
  • Song you should listen to:


The cupcake. Dad playing with grandson Parker. My work space. My healthy sandwich. Connor eating ice cream at Costco. Parker at Costco. :)

Did I mention I'm trying to start drawing again? This one I just started. It was sitting right by my weird lamp that has things dangling from it, thus the weird shadows on the paper.

Blisters from the stupid bar!



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