
Thursday, May 17, 2012


  • People I saw: Keith, Allyson, Laurette (she says hi by the way, mom), Tiffany, Bro. Beard, and my neighbors.
  • Today was fantastic! Just so you know, last night I went to bed before midnight, meaning I got over 8 hours of sleep, and I felt great! So today I woke up with plenty of time to shower and make breakfast. I made my mom a sandwich and took it to her work on the way to mine. Work was great cause I got to go around with Allyson visiting the property management offices and picking up payroll at the accountant's. After work I succumbed to my Honolulu Grill craving, which I do not regret. I bought some solar sunglasses for this weekend's solar eclipse! Are you stoked? Cause I am. Then I rushed to Bro. Beard's house and I got a calling: back on the music council! Big surprise there eh? I love it though. They redo everything at the end of every semester but I just kept the same one. As soon as I got home, I left again with Des to go to Gen-X to pick up some shirts she ordered.. which weren't ready, so she got a refund. We used some gift cards at Cold Stone that Sammie gave us months ago so we could get some yummy shakes. Thank you dear Sammie! After I got home again I relaxed a bit until it was time to go to our neighbor's house two doors down. He's a personal trainer with a gym in his garage, and he has given us permission to use it whenever we want. He's even going to train us for free! This guy won 3rd place in a state CrossFit competition. So now I'm on the CrossFit workout program and I'm excited to get strong. I just got done taking a nice hot bubble bath with no light but an amazing-smelling candle. I feel so great right now.
  • Something I learned: Well I learned some new techniques to help me do pull-ups!
  • Something I appreciated: My awesome neighbor for being so great.
  • Song you should listen to (for old time's sake):
I'll be sexy and fit in no time!

If only I can give up stuff like this...

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