
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why I'm confident.

My first date with Mason was July 9th. We officially became a couple soon after that.

That means that it hasn't even been three months since our very first date and we are already engaged. And we are getting married in just three and a half more months.

I used to think people like this were crazy. Well... not always. I tried to understand that every relationship is different, and who is to judge someone else's relationship? But still. Never pictured it happening to me this way.

I could go on and on about this topic. I don't feel like I need to explain myself in such a way to justify why I'm marrying someone I haven't known very long. I am completely secure with my decision. I know it's the right one. It's just the way people look at me when I tell them how long it's been. Like they have any idea what mine and Mason's relationship is made of.

My main point is this: it's not about how long you've known someone. It's about how ready each of you is to completely commit yourself to another person and to their happiness. There are people who have been married much quicker than Mason and I who have had long, successful relationships. And there are people who have dated for years before getting married, only for it to end in divorce. I don't see any rules or patterns anywhere for this. Because, again, no relationship is the same.

I know my marriage is going to work. I think this way not because I know Mason's favorite ice cream flavor (I don't). I think that way because I know he's quick to forgive and so am I. It's not because I know every single one of his high school stories (I don't). It's because I know that he has learned from past relationships and from his mission how to let go of pride and be sensible and put someone's feelings first, and to admit when he's wrong (although I'm often the wrong one). It's not because I know what kind of struggles and difficulties he's dealt with in the past (I do). It's because I know who he is right now and what he has learned because of them. It's because I know how willing he is to make me feel beautiful and loved every day. I know that he expects marriage to be something to work for and that there will be struggles. But he is willing to go through anything with and for me.

And, of course, I am also willing and ready to humble myself and to do everything I can to love him and make him happy every day for the rest of his life and on.

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