
Thursday, February 7, 2013


There's a good chance that you (mom, probably) are my 7000th page view! Yay! Whatever that really means! As of right now I have 6,999... supposedly.

I'm so tired! Why haven't I taken a nap?! Up since 5:00 a.m. again...

This morning I got pulled over. Haha it's funny because (you probably read my Facebook) yesterday I was thinking about how I hadn't been pulled over in a long time. I was on my way to the paper route driving up the Boulevard in front of a cop in the other lane. I looked down for a second to adjust the volume on my stereo or something and when I looked up the light was yellow. I must not be able to think very quickly that early in the morning because my thought process was "Yellow light... cop behind me... eh I can make it.. oh shoot it's red... crap... yep." But he was super nice and only checked my license and I was there for less than five minutes.

I emailed the college radio guy back and he said that three of my songs will go into rotation starting tomorrow! The three songs are Black Cats, Crystallize, and At Last. Yay! So, if you're in town, tune into 91.3 tomorrow inbetween 1:00 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. He said the songs will play sometime inbetween there! I'm so excited!

Tasha got her new car today finally! Well, not brand new. Tasha found it on Craigslist but didn't know my parents actually bought it, then they had it painted black. Lucky. I think I want a new car :) But then again I'd rather travel. It was fun to see her get so excited though. Ah, I remember those days.

OH also, I'm going to start being more active in the social media as far as my music goes. So, I'm using my old blog URL (the one before this one) for my musician's blog. That address is So, follow me there! I won't post nearly as much on there as I do here, but it will be strictly about my music. Also, if you haven't already, "like" my page on


To admit that you were wrong is to declare you are wiser now than you were before.

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