
Saturday, June 2, 2012


  • People I saw: Scott Morris, Miles Manwaring, Derrick Crowley, Brayden Frehner, Slade Walker, Tyler Thatcher, Mike Barker, Katelyn Jensen, Trevor Apple, CJ Davis, Jostlyn Stilson, etc etc.
  • Things I did: I did the paper route then came home to get ready. Unfortunately today was the day of a funeral of someone my own age when he died. Everyone who's reading this I'm sure already knows about the plane crash that killed 4 young men last week. I went to Jordan Chapman's funeral, a guy I went to high school with. I bawled my eyes out. I stared at his picture on the program, and just couldn't stop thinking how weird it was and how death doesn't make any sense and everything. Just so weird that in an instant, someone becomes unreachable until the next life. All my respects to Jordan and his family.
    Although the funeral was sad, the rest of my day was pretty great. Right after the services, I went to Jostlyn's house to drive with her to Springdale for a wedding she was photographing. Talk about contrast. It was a small wedding ceremony and kinda weird but I had lots of fun. On the way back through Hurricane, Jost and I stopped at this wood fire pizza place on the side of the road and ate the most amazing pizza I've ever had. Who wants to take me back?
    I drove home and picked up Tasha, who then drove my car with me to Walmart so I could buy Biotin and nail polish remover and whatever. I love my little sister. I finally cleaned my room today.
    Then I picked up Mike, and we met a bunch of people out in the desert valley by Green Valley Spa to watch Warrior on a big screen Ty had made out of PVC pipes and stuff. However, I left my car for a minute to get my shirt I left in someone else's car a couple weeks ago, and when I came back, someone had parked in front my car like an idiot. I just said screw it so Mike and I left and went on a little adventure. We drove to the middle of nowhere and randomly came across a bonfire. We crashed it for a second, but left because everyone there was drunk and listening to crappy music. Except not that crappy cause the last song was Black Eyed Peas and I couldn't help but put the same song on in my car.
    Then I dropped off Mike and came home. I sure hope I didn't forget anything.
  • Something I learned: Well I have a secret. I'll most likely tell you all next weekend, but until then, don't ask me what it is. Not even you, Mom. Don't even bring it up :)
  • Something I appreciated: Automated car windows.
  • Song you should listen to:
The sunrise this morning. I love sunrises. They are my favorite, and very symbolic for me.

The lovely Jostlyn!
Pizza Wagon!
Pizza of the gods.
Walmart. Yeah I change my outfit a lot in one day okay.
Blue tongue from Frazils.
The bonfire we crashed.. haha.

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