
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Today after work I took one of our employees, Elvin, to Intermountain Workmed because he got in a work-related accident a couple weeks back. His doctor was Sarah's dad, so it was a surprise to see him there!
Oh I also met Kirsten and my mom at Target and got some awesome candy in the dollar section. Also a new clock.
So then I'm driving home from work, and I'm on Bluff street heading north in the right lane. I need to be in the left lane way soon so I can turn, so I turn on my blinker but the car behind me to the left just speeds up. That's definitely normal, hardly anyone ever slows down and lets people in. What's also normal is to, in this case, proceed to cut that person off because they're not giving you a choice. Wouldn't you agree? So I had quite enough room and moved over in front of them anyway. Well I'm driving and realize that they're changing lanes behind me as I do. Not necessarily staying right behind me, but always in the same lane. I tell myself that if they turn onto my home street, I'll keep driving. And they did. So I called my dad as I'm freaking out, telling him I'm being followed, and asked if he was home. He was still in his office so I kept driving. To be sure they were following me, I took some turns around my neighborhood that someone definitely wouldn't take because I was going in circles. But they kept following me. I decided to go to my dad's office, and those people followed me all the way back up Valley View and back onto Bluff Street. I almost got to the Boulevard before I lost them. I was seriously so scared!
Anyway. Tonight I had institute with Laney and some random dude sat by us. We decided to go to Village Inn for their free pie after, and that random dude (named Matt) followed me out to my car so I felt like I should invite him. Then on our way there, Spencer called me (who had also been in the institute class) asking to hang out. So he, Jake, and Ammon all came too and we had pie and it was awesome. The end?

 Tried on these shoes but didn't buy them. Surprise surprise.
 Favorite part of my day every time.
 The Village Inn.
 New clock! 

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