
Sunday, June 3, 2012


  • People I saw: Sam Jamison, Ty, Tyler, Kaylie, April, Dana, Jenna, Carissa, Kylie, Nicole, Kyle, Nick, Ben, Jessica, Brayden, Derrick, some new friends, a bunch of other people. 
  • Things I did: The paper route this morning was terrible. I got to the place to pick up the papers half an hour late cause I'd fallen back asleep, and it was Sunday so the papers are at least 3 times as thick. Meaning I couldn't fit them all on my front seat and it was just.. blah. So I got home and set my alarm to wake up at noon so I could get ready for my 1:00 church. Somehow that didn't wake me up, but fortunately Sam called me at 12:20 asking for a ride so I had time to get ready and go. Thanks Sam!
    Church was amazing (is it ever not?). Fast Sunday. You know those times when you kinda feel like you should bear your testimony but you sit there deciding whether you should, then you get up and ramble? And then there's the times when you don't even hesitate to be the first one up, knowing exactly what you're going to say, and you say it short and simple but strong? Well today I did the latter and sat back down hoping my little message had influenced at least one person. I had spoken of how I feel about pride. You know, how I've never regretted saying I'm sorry or forgiving or whatever necessary in any situation? Anyway, in Relief Society a girl turned around and told me that my testimony had been powerful and it was what she needed to hear. I love that. I love that I can be used when others need someone.
    After church was dinner with my family and stuff. Ward prayer at 8:30.
    Ward prayer was awesome today. It was at Brother Beard's house, and we had that rich chocolate cake from Costco. At one point a bunch of us gathered around the grand piano and sang the harmonies for a bunch of hymns together. It was beautiful. I went outside and played... "Wah"? with a bunch of people. Then Ninja. I made some new friends too: Jake, Lane, and Brian. I got one of their numbers so hopefully we chill soon.
    I came home because I really wanted to play my guitar, which I did for a good hour or so I think. I'm best when I'm just improvising, coming up with chord progressions and just singing whatever comes to mind. I love that I can do that.
    And just so you know, of course my mom asked me what my "secret" was. She got my entire family to corner me in the kitchen chanting "Tell us! Tell us!" I'm never doing that again!
  • Something I learned: I learn this more and more every day. That people care too much about what others think for the wrong reasons. Of course you should want people to respect you and maybe even look up to you, but you shouldn't let anyone's opinion of anything keep you from doing what you want to do and being who you want to be. Are you living to please others, or to make yourself truly happy?
  • Something I appreciated: My single's ward is truly amazing. I feel so at home with them.
  • Song you should listen to:
I see this weird thing every morning.

Sam Jamison's sunglasses he left in my car :)

The cake that is too much chocolate even for me. But soo good.

Me and Nick Rhodes!

Ward prayer <3

My old roommates Rebecca and Amanda sent me this lovely pic during church :)

Look at this cutie!

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