
Saturday, June 16, 2012


He left, and he never came back.

  • People I saw: Laney, Matt, Teesha, Taneesha, Anna, Amanda, Chandy, Sam (new), Tawny, Bradley, another Matt, Carston, Kalon, Brayden, Derrick, Slade, Ryan, CJ, Kyle, Brian, etc...
  • Things I did: I went with my family to Walmart. Everyone except Des, she was in Vegas all day with a few of her friends. We then went to Target, the dollar store, and Ross. I got a couple new cute shirts and some shorts. We went home but I wanted to go to Costco to exchange my phone for the same one, cause something is wrong with mine. I went with Tasha then realized it was super busy and I was in a hurry so we just bought some chocolate chips and came home. I hurried and got ready and Matt and Teesha picked me up then Laney. We met a bunch of people in Washington and drove to Sand Hollow Reservoir to swim and cliff jump. One of the Matt's and I swam so dang far out to this rock and then back, plus the swim out to the island so I was worn out by the time we were done. He and I also went on another adventure walking all the way around the huge island nearly scorching our feet doing so. But it was fun. In the parking lot, some guy came over to our truck and did a sweet handstand so I filmed it with my phone. Then as they drove off he yelled out the window, "Tag me in that video! You're Ashlee!" and I was like.. uhh.. I have never seen that guy in my life and I have no idea how he knows my name. Anyway.
    We were all dropped off at home. I showered and got ready in a dress and heels and picked up Laney to go to a party out on top of Foremaster Drive. A girl was having her 21st birthday party and lots of people showed up to dance and have fun. Laney and I met some cute guys from Hurricane: Luke, Cody, Gary, and Robert. I like hanging out with Laney cause she has to work early in the mornings, therefore I have to come home a little earlier and it's actually really nice. So now I'm home, worn out, and my feet hurt. That means it was a good day.
  • Something I learned: Don't put your arms in the air when people are bumping each other around. I elbowed a tall dude in the face.
  • Something I appreciated: That sweet feeling of relief when you take off your heels.
  • Song you should listen to:
Before the lake.
 Even before that, at Target. I can't put my pictures in order for some reason.
 Getting everyone in one vehicle so we don't have to pay a ton.

 On my way to the party. I kinda look.. really weird.
 Parker sleeping after shopping earlier today. He gets so worn out :)

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