
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nearer, My God, To Thee.

I stayed up til 2 last night talking on the phone to my boyfriend because it was 9 a.m. where he is and he was getting ready for church. Then I woke up and was able to text him a bunch throughout the day. Church was really good. I bore my testimony and it always feels good.

Our stake has this challenge to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas. They gave us all a brand new little one, and we're supposed to read it and mark in it, and then when Christmas comes around, we're supposed to give them to each other with our thoughts and testimonies. I love it.

Anyway, I lost mine somehow, cause I lose everything. Trust me, I feel really bad about losing a Book of Mormon. But I got a new one today and I'm just excited to read the crap out of it and mark it up for myself and for whoever I end up giving it to.

After church, I came straight here to my parent's house for a delicious dinner and chocolate cake. There is nothing I love doing more than being with my family... and my boyfriend of course. But it's been five days since I've seen him and I still have about 10 days left until I get to see him again. It's going by sooo slow. I'm just grateful I get to text and call and even Skype him as long as he's staying somewhere with WiFi.

This morning before church, I recorded myself singing and playing one of my favorite hymns. I want to do this every Sunday. I've been meaning to for a while now, but last week I was in Provo, week before that my guitar was in the shop, etc. But here's the first one!

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