
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hello again, Provo.

I didn't bother leaving early because I knew I wouldn't have anything to do in Provo until Kelsey got off work at five. So, I left around 11:30 and got there around 2:45. I first went to Davey's house and said hi to him, but he had to get ready for work so I went to the mall.

While I was there, I ran into Emilee Hanks, Josh Wilson, and Zander, a guy who I used to work with in the music store there. I also ate at Chick-fil-A mmmm.

Well, I still had time to kill so I drove alone to Utah lake just to take a picture and check it out.

I met Kelsey and Tyler at their apartment, and shortly after, Kelsey and I left for Murray to go to the mall there because they have H&M. I'm so glad we went because I got like 5 shirts and some shoes there.

On our way back, we took some balloons and stuff to one of Kelsey's friends for her birthday. I took Kels home and then I went to visit Chad and meet his girlfriend who I'm pretty sure he's going to marry. It was fun cause Sean McClellan was there, a guy from my freshman year at BYU who I hadn't seen since.

Then Amanda, my old roommate, wanted me to come over and stay up with her late and watch movies, so I did. We also went to Rancherito's late at night for old time's sake.


And some of my pictures didn't send to my email and I'm at work so I'll hvae to upload them later.

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