
Monday, April 29, 2013

Boiling blood.

I woke up and made it to my Spanish final on time, woohoo. I also got a 90%, double woohoo!

I was on my way home when my mom called and asked me to stop and buy some cherry Poptarts. Haha. So I did that and stuff.

Then went home and took another long nap.

Then Melinda and I went on got Dr. Pepper with coconut from Fabulous Freddy's, then made food at home instead of going out to eat, you should be so proud.

Now I'm at work.

And after this I'm hanging out with Chad :)

Okay so I'm so fed up right now that my blood is boiling.

I'm IMing a friend at work who I've been friends with for years. We've flirted on and off, like normal people do, but he's never made a move to take me out, and I've never given him any reason to think I'm interested in him. In fact, I've told him multiple times that I'm not. And we never even hang out. But today in our IMs he said we should go on a date, and I tried to politely tell him that I only like him as a friend and I don't want to go on a date with him.


He said back: "this is why guys arent nice. and shouldnt try to be"

Um.... EXCUSE ME? Gosh. I think boys really want us to pretend to like them and go out with them and waste their time and money so that we can break up with them later. Or they think that because they're nice, it's our obligation to fall in love with them.

So I gave him a piece of my mind and told him how ridiculous he was being, that I'm doing him a favor by being honest, etc. And he said back:

"Maybe you are the problem."

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I'm a little bit crazy. BOYS.

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