
Friday, November 29, 2013

Time Capsule.

I worked 9-5 today at the bank. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be for Black Friday. Aside from one crazy rush, the day was actually pretty slow. I even got to leave fifteen minutes early.

I came home and took a shower and started some laundry and got my set list ready for tonight. I relaxed a bit and then got dressed and left the house.

I got to George's around 7:30, and Mason got there soon after. My parents came within 20 minutes of that. Gordon got me all set up on the mics and stuff even though it took forever, and I started my show. I played for about 45 minutes and got $15 in tips! That's more than I make in an hour at either of my jobs so it was worth the play. (Thanks for the $5 dad haha). I also got a free meal, which I shared half of with my love.

My parents left, then Mason and I sat in my car in the parking lot for over an hour. He was going through the stuff in my time capsule and we were just talking after that. Oh yeah, forgot to mention. When I got home last night, I opened a big can that I sealed 10 years ago. My dad finally found it and I was stoked to open it. It was a Young Women's project I did when I was 12 that I was only allowed to open once I got engaged. Inside were things like my wedding colors I wanted back then, a picture of a wedding dress, a list of qualities I wanted to develop myself, a list of qualities I wanted in a future husband (Mason fits all of them perfectly), and a little card I wrote to my future husband, labeled "To You." Isn't that so cute?! It was fun to go through with him.

We parted ways and I came home and watched the second half of the movie "Enough" playing on TV with Tasha, and now I'm going to bed.

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