
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Creepiest Sunday.

Melinda and I went to our new ward for the first time today. Our church is at 1:00, which sucks, but for Summer I guess it's nice. And our ward seems pretty cool, almost full of people I don't know. I like that.

After church I went to my parent's to have dinner. Des, Tash, Connor, and I went for a drive for fun too. Then I got invited to go to the fireside with this guy named Alex, but when I got there it was over. I guess we both forgot it started at 6:00 this week and not 7:00. So I went home and unpacked some more stuff instead.

So, Melinda and I were in our basement living room and we got talking about scary movies and stuff. So we were in a kinda jumpy mood you could say. Then I got up and saw something in our vent that's on the top of the wall. I said, "What's in our vent?" and we both went to look and it appears to be the back of a red playing card. It looks like someone just slid it in there. Then I saw something on the other side, another sort of card that looks like it couldn't have just been slid in there, like someone must've taken off the vent plate to get it in there.

Melinda got her screw driver and was trying to unscrew the vent plate so that we could get the cards out, mostly just cause they were bugging us. The plate woudn't budge easily though, and Melinda was afraid if she pulled too hard the paint would rip off. So she stuck the screw driver in the slats and started moving it around. Suddenly, a big thing of hair popped out. Blonde hair. Now, we have vents on the floor upstairs, so we thought maybe hair goes in those and has to end up somewhere, and maybe that's where it goes. But then the hair would be in a scraggly wad or bunch, right? And it wasn't. It was perfectly laid out, a whole lock of hair.

So then we were really creeped out and stepped back. And then it was almost midnight, so we left and went to Denny's. And while we were there, our imaginations ran wild. Like what if there's a body in our wall?! Or maybe it's just a doll. Or maybe someone did that trying to be funny. Anyway, we're silly.

We went home and called Dallas to see if he would come over, but he told us to just come spend the night there. We are crazy. We went and slept on his and Blair's couch.

My favorite thing.

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