
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kelsey Lyn Barber

if there's one person i'm grateful for at this moment in time, it's Kelsey.
we were brought together under unlikely circumstances. we quickly became close friends despite a not-so-awesome past as acquaintances.
we have known of each other since about august of 2007, didn't meet in person until the following year, and didn't become friends until last year. it wasn't even until this summer, when Kelsey moved up here to Provo, that we really became friends. she planned to move just down the street from me before even realizing how close i lived! we started hanging out every day and had such a fun summer with all our friends. we have fun doing anything together, whether it's driving to the gas station to get energy drinks, or going to salt lake to visit friends and go to gay clubs (okay that happened once), or going to salt lake to do pretty much nothing at all, or watching movies at home. we hung out pretty much every day in the summer and we decided to move in together in the fall, which we did. we found an amazing, perfect place to live where Kels and i share the top floor. we each have our own bedroom but we share a bathroom.

anyway... the point is. i'm so grateful for such an amazing friend who is always there for me. even when we have little arguments we know how to work through them. we've both dealt with enough stupid friends in the past and grown up enough to be able to handle anything. we support each other and are understanding of the other one's mistakes. Kelsey is always helping me feel better when things just suck without letting me get off easy for doing stupid things.
Kelsey gets me more than anyone. i've never been able to relate to someone like i do with her. we have so much in common it's pretty crazy. and even though we don't look alike most of the time, countless people have mistaken us for sisters.
she always knows what to say, when to hug me, when to let me cry, when to scold me, when to ask me what's wrong. i just love my best friend so much.

i mostly just wanted to post this because tonight Kelsey came in my bedroom and we talked a while about the future. it feels like so many things are happening right now and i'm actually quite terrified. my whole world is going to change and will never be the same again. Kels is right there for me, both literally and figuratively, whenever i need her. she has helped me get through more than anyone will ever know in these past six months. i know we will always be best friends. she is here for me when i feel like i'm stuck in one place or when i'm being pulled in the opposite direction at 1,000 miles per hour. all i can say is thank you and i love you Kelsey! and also that most of the things i say at this hour don't make sense when i type them as well as they do in my head... (3:22 a.m.)

oh and don't forget Kelsey's adorable boyfriend Austin!

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