
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving.

I got on Facebook this morning and saw that one of my friends and her husband are trying to sell their apartment contract, and so I told Mason. He texted them and we went to look at their place a little before noon. It was fun because it was our first time looking at a place together! It didn't even feel weird. But it's nuts.

So, then we went to his house and we got Thanksgiving "dinner" ready. It was just he and I and his parents eating together but it was a great meal. I providing stuffing, the easiest thing ever but my favorite essential Thanksgiving dish.

After eating, Mason and I watched some TV together. Soon, it was time for me to go to work. My three hour shift that I actually left an hour early. I was debating going to wait in line at Target but Mason told me he checked it out and it wasn't worth it. So, instead, I went to his house of course! We watched a finance video introduction together :)

He was going to go to bed early since he has to work at 2 a.m. tomorrow, but then his mission president messaged him and a few others saying that he was in town and wanted them to come visit where he was staying. So, we picked up his friend Josh and the three of us drove to Coral Canyon to visit his mission president and his family and some other missionaries in a nice condo that he developed.

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